Bob Baugher, Ph.D.
We watch from above
As they all arrive at the hotel
Some have flown
Others have driven
They enter, pulling suitcases, carrying bags and purses
To the casual observer they look like anyone else
Signing for their room key
Picking up their Conference bag at Registration
That is, until you see name tags around their necks that include our names & our pictures
Until you watch them deciding which of 16 workshops to attend,
Each across seven time slots
Until you observe first-time parents, siblings, and grandparents comforted by long-timers
Until you view old friends hugging in the hallway, laughing at lunch,
And saying, “It’s good to see you!”
Friday and Saturday evening we see them choose among some 20 sharing sessions
With topics relevant to the way we left this earth
We listen as they say our names, tell our story, question, laugh, cry, sit silent
Although difficult to watch, we know that a long, slow adjustment
To a “new normal” is taking place
At Saturday night banquet there they are sitting at a table with seven others
Who share a journey, some ahead, some behind
As the rolls and butter are passed around, caring questions emerge
“Where are you from?” “What is (not was) his name?” “Let me see the picture. Oh, cute.”
As the speaker finishes and the desserts are eaten (Hey Dad, don’t eat two)
The candle-lighting ceremony begins
Even we gasp as more than a thousand candles light up the darkened room
The ceremony concludes with new friends hugging, chatting, and exchanging emails
Early Sunday we see them on their walk—for us of course
Tee-shirts, banners, and pictures
Hundreds of moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and grandparents
Quietly chat as they move down the street
All the while each carrying love in their heart
The closing ceremony bids them all a safe trip
And as they head to the airport or to their cars
They take with them memories of a weekend brimming with care and love
Of workshops and sharing sessions, of new friends and old, and promises to keep in touch
But most importantly they take what they came with
Their enduring love for us
We watch as they head home having experienced a long-remembered gift
The gift of a TCF Conference
Published in TCF Magazine We Need Not Walk Alone Fall, 2011.