You did not ask for this tragic event to take place in your life. It may take all the courage you have to pick up this book and read it.
Someone you know or love
has just experienced a
traumatic death
"If this booklet had been available when I was told of my brother's homicide, I would have carried it with me and used it often."
Cover design by Shawn Baugher
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To the Reader
Someone you know or love has been murdered. The information in this book is intended to give you an idea of what to expect after the homicide of a family member or friend. It may take all the courage you have to pick up this book and read it. You did not ask for this tragic event to take place in your life. You may be saying to yourself, " I don't want to read anything that will remind me of this tragic event".
This book was written to help you understand some of what you are going through and guide you through the homicide investigation. It is not intended to tell you how to feel or to tell you what to do. It is offered as a way to give you some information that may be helpful to your understanding of some of the important issues you will be facing. We have laid out the information in this book in an approximate chronological sequence: the first few days followed by the first few weeks, then the first months, and the first year.
Death by homicide has more elements attached to it than any other type of unnatural death. The subject matter in this book comes from direct experience and observation. We are sorry that this tragedy has accrued in your life. We hope that this book will be informational and helpful as you travel through the maze of both your bereavement journey and the criminal justice system. To give you a greater understanding of what you may experience, we have included throughout this book the personal experience of co-author Lew Cox following the 1987 murder of his daughter, Carmon. So, at various points throughout the book we have placed Lew's story in italics.
Dr. Bob Baugher

This book is your perfect introduction to this crazy world you just got thrust into. It's short but detailed, very informative. If your not sure what to buy, start with this and don't wait to buy it, if your reading this than you need it now. So sorry for your loss.
Brenda, Amazon reader
My husband lost his father to homicide last month, and I bought this book right away for both of us to read. I read it in just a couple of hours, and can see myself referring back to it. It didn't go too in-depth about everything you will deal with in the aftermath of losing a loved one in this tragic way, but it touched on a lot. I appreciated the personal stories that were within the text. Definitely a good book to keep around while going through the grief process, as well as the trials.
Anonymous reader
This is a great book and a wonderful resource. I recommend it so much, that I purchase multiple copies at a time. As a crime victim advocate and homicide victim survivor, people often tell me, "I know someone who has just lost a loved one to homicide. I don't know what to say or do to help them." I start by sending them this book.
Jeff Dion, National Center for Victims of Crime